Learning Studio, Google Glass, Online Identities.

Just a short post about this learning studio drop in thing I went to earlier today at college. Found it quite useful, had a couple of interesting chats. One about analysing how we use the web and distinguishing between professional, academic, personal and creative uses, and where the boundaries and blurrings of those uses happen. That was with a guy called David White who according to another tab I have open is “the new CLTAD Head of technology enhanced learning”. Anyway had a good conversation with him and a few of the other students on the MA.

I then ate some of the provided free sandwiches and had a cup of tea and had another conversation with some other people(sorry didn’t pick up the name of the lady there) more specifically about online identities.

I also tried on a pair of Google Glass(es) which was cool and finally had a chat with some of the digital team based at Camberwell.

Bit of a dull post I’m afraid but thought it was probably worth just sticking up whilst it was still fresh, also might lead to going to a symposium about this sort of stuff at Chelsea in November so that would be cool.

That is all.

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